Kat Parkin

Hi I’m Kat and I’d like to introduce myself. I’m a designer, artist, triathlete and eco warrior living in Bath with my partner and doggo. In 2019 I was in a life changing bike accident which I am still recovering from and I took up Art as part of my healing process. I like to create abstract and surrealist pieces in acrylic - I particularly love surrealist portraits and I use a lot of bold and bright colour! I also love acrylic pouring which I create by blowing. I also enjoy capturing the stunning landmarks and buildings around Bath by pen.

My current project is to paint the Journey of my Life in a series of pieces, sharing my journey of what has been an incredible amount of trauma, mental and physical health issues, loss, abuse, depression but also love, family and honour. This last year has been an awakening and I want to take my supporters on my journey, narrate as I go, reach out and engage with people who my experiences resonate with. I feel deeply that it is my purpose to positively impact and help people as much as I can. I want to spread energy and freedom and I believe that all the suffering was for a reason - for the voice and fire inside me to get out and inspire others! I hope to do this by putting my life on canvas.

I will continue to paint and sketch other pieces throughout my project, channelling love, energy and gratitude into all of my designs. I also am very happy to do commissioned pieces, as I have done with my portrait work. Please visit my website www.katparkinart.co.uk for more information. You can follow my journey on my Instagram page @paint_and_purpose

Examples of previous portrait commissions are shown here.

Thank you for reading and if you would like to chat about a commission, or my project, please get in touch.